22 September 2008

Sara left. Here's how it happened.
Sara Machine, that wonderful southerner kind of, moved to London about a month ago, and we went out one last night before her departure. This is the room where summer happened. With the cool lamp and the porch.
The cool lamp made of jolly ranchers.
The table on which we lived all summer. I had to share a glance of our summer, because this had probably been there for a few weeks, these left over bottles and cans and frambois and incense and ashes.

This is Sara. The almost Xrated image John captured of her getting ready. Glorious.
We spent alot of time in her commercial restaurant kitchen with the pizza oven and the ice machine and with her mom and sister. I told everyone to be candid and her mom freaked out a little and her sister didn't understand apparently. ;)

John wanted a picture with Sara's mom alone and said Sara couldn't be in the picture. Sara's mom is from New Zealand and has a cool accent.

We drove over to Caves, the love of our Arlington lives, for one last beer.

We grabbed some adult sized beers, and chugged them down as fast as we could because we didn't realize exactly how big an adult size beer actually is and we were in a rush to get to Dallas. Montage to follow:
We really thought this was Nick's car, of which I later learned he'd traded his weird red gay Miata in for a VW something. Sara was one hot car babe.
We hopped in the car and sang a few versus of the famous, "Shut the Fuck Up about Jesus" song that SNAJ wrote a few years ago. First is the standard, second remix. Listen to the remix!
Holly arrived, hooray, and then the party began.
This is John smoking a cigarette. Weird. Quit trying to smoke John, you're not a smoker and it's bad for you.
Sara and I took a series of pictures in which we tried to be sexy. And this non sexy picture is the sexiest we got. Tragic. I did get hit on by some (apparent) restaurant owner though.

Hollers and Jmags.

We booked it to Barcadia where Hampton came and met us after a dreadful trip to the Wal-Mart paint department.
What follows will be a series of regulars that showed up and many MANY candids/poses taken at Barcadia that need no explanation. Enjoy.

I'm hiding something here behind my purse. Guess.

Made it to Holly's. Hampton and I got in the pool. We all had a few beers and some good convo. John had to pee. And then he took his shirt off.

We headed home around 4? 5? Don't know. Sara passed out in the backseat. John took a bunch of blurry drunk pictures of Dallas. It was a great goodbye. The next day we went to Which Wich with Sara and the other Machi sisters. We said our final goodbyes, and Sara shipped off.
It was very sad to see her go, a fun goodbye though. We miss you Sara! But we hope you succeed in London. Unless you just reeeaaaaaaalllly want to come home, don't. :(
Here is my interpretation of John this summer being shirtless.

The End.
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Did John intend to look like Buddy Holly that night? Because he nailed it. You guys are such hipsters, I'm so jealous. LURVED it!
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