23 March 2009
I wrote a big blog about it. A mean blog. A very hurtful blog. A blog that released the most intimate and secretive details of someones true character. Not my character...someone else.
But then I realized I'm better than that. And I don't think I'll post it.
It was a good one though. Just like the old days. Inappropriate.
So...I'm going to chips II on Friday and I'll do a photo blog then. Because...it sounds like it will be colorful and disgusting.
25 February 2009
Now. This is Patrick dressed up as a Banana Republic Jonas Brother. Notice the purple ascot? Neckerchief, what are they called? The pants weren't tight enough. And he looked very nice. And kept saying, "No teenage boy would wear these clothes."
23 February 2009

And even though my DVR cut out right before her name was announced (I was pissed) I watched her acceptance speech online and I can't wait to watch The Reader.
Yay Oscars! Yay frivolous award shows!
27 January 2009

Here's a list of foods Andrew Zimmerman eats while people film him as interpreted by me:
- beating frog heart
- tarantulas
- live lobster
- "goober burger" (O.I.T.U.S.)
- chicken uterus
- suckling pig ear -- grossest thing I've ever seen
- scorpions

- mayonnaise fondue and milkshake

- "unborn chicken egg"
- stingray (which I will admit, I have eaten. I do not recommend Stingray) (I also think that Stingrays are the kittens of the sea and was very upset when I found out what I ate was a stingray. I thought it was something else)
- turtles

- rats
- lots of balls. I did not draw anything for this because Natalie Dee and Drew from Toothpaste for Dinner already did it right. Please check out this site, Andrew Zimmerman Ate My Balls. I <3>

I love this guy.
25 January 2009
I haven't been out of the house much lately. Well, for work. I only leave for work. Work has been insane. Oh, I do leave sometimes for American Idol at Alex and Jro's. Other than that, I'm usually just "B-E-A-T. Get ready to ignite". So, I spend a lot of time with my cat and roommate. And Harry Potter. Sometimes, all three. This is leading to alot of posts about my cat. My cat is my bff. Which, for realz, I know, it's sad. I know anyone reading this is SOOOO over my cat. But I'm not. She's just a baby, and I love her. Too much.
Patty and I were watching this movie featuring the guy that played Richard, the hotel tycoon Samantha loved in SATC. It's called "The Warriors". That's how he pitched it to me: "He's in Sex and the City." Like he's dangling some candy in my face, me -- arms crossed over my OshKoshBgosh's. It worked, and I liked it a lot, it was pretty cool. And then the cat started watching it to. She's been watching a lot of TV lately. She's watching Roseanne right now. With me, I'm watching Roseanne too.
Anyway, I think it's funny when my cat's attention span lasts long enough to actually watch tv. Also, I got cable this morning, well Satellite. Hoorays! And I just saw a commercial for this:
It's the Vagisil At Home Vaginal Screening Kit. Sorry dudes. Ladies, if you're having discharge that is ANYWHERE close to ANY of these colors...please seek medical attention immediately. Instead of going to CVS, wandering discreetly through the isles, gingerly grabbing the Vagisil At Home Vaginal Screening Kit, driving home, doing WHATEVER THE HELL you have to do to get a sample, and waiting around for it to read, rather than wasting that hour...just go to the nearest hospital or military base because I'm pretty sure you are turning into the Cloverfield monster. Or you are a dead person. Gross.
19 January 2009
17 January 2009
As I was walking to my car the other day, I saw this image. And chuckled because I know...the cats knew it was mine. Because cats love me.
*No this blog is not about cats.
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