I'm trying a new format. The lovely lady bartenders, Janell and Kristin. They are the coolest. And pretty hot too.

Joey. Groovy. Patrick and I told Joey he needed to unbutton his shirt a little and show some chest hair, which he did. Then the door guy Matt came over and fixed Joeys collar, which he did in kind of a gay way. Then Joey was transformed into 70's Joey.

Connie and Shelby drinking Absinthe! We have Absinthe at the bar now and I don't like it but I talked them into drinking it I guess. Things started getting fuzzy around this point. Isn't Shelby so 70's and beautiful with her natural Afro?

The dudes. Jarrod, Chris, Brian, Brendon, and the two I don't remember their names. The dudes.

The ladies. Hampton and Kerri. Hampton got me a super cute locket for my birthday. I'm going to put her picture in it. I love these loverly ladies.

And my sister Jill came! And so did Jimmy! And I was getting a little drunker I guess and they are underage and couldn't drink so things must have been very very funny, and I'm going to talk to Jill later and get her take on the event.

Brian and I. The camera strap fell in front of the flash as we were taking this picture, I liked it. Like my wig? It took me literally hours to pick out this wig. It was between this one and a Lime green bob that glowed in blacklight. That was too normal for me, so I went with the Farrah Fawcett wig.

Jarrod and I. P.S. I look like Hedwig. I have always said I hope people think I look like a drag queen. What's more flattering? I don't know.

I wish this picture wasn't blurry. The shot gang shot.

Andy and Edie. Aren't these the best people ever? Love it. I believe Alex heated up that soup later and it was served with grilled cheese sandwiches. I think...things were VERY fuzzy at this point.

Holla! These are my bitches! Marlon(sp?), Patty, Bailey, and John! Dig Patricks moustache!? He looks like a molester! And Bailey looked (in her words) flossy. She had on the coolest jumpsuit ever!!!!

Literally, I don't remember this picture being taken. Literally. I do remember going into the bathroom and putting red lipstick under my nose and stumbling around and telling everyone I'd "done too much coke." I also remember trying to tell Ale (bossman) that I had gotten a nose bleed earlier that morning and I thought it was appropriate for the evenings events. But I wound up saying, "Ale, this morning I had a nose job. I mean blow job. I mean nose bleed." If that gives out any indication of my level of intoxication. It was hilarious. I did not fall down at all that night though. I think thanks to Joey a little. He helped me walk around towards the end of the night I think.

Muh girls!!! I realized of late that I am always, always surrounded by boys. My life is a sausage fest. And these girls save my life. By providing estrogen into the air around me. Thank you ladies. You do more than you know.

The boys were dancing. Patrick said it looks like Joey is being chased by a zombie.

And this looks even more like Joey is being attacked by a superfly 70's disco zombie.

Taylor rockin those 3-D glasses. At this point I think I told Jessica to please take my camera because I was going to break it. Cause it was hard to walk.

Kerri is a brick house. She's mighty mighty.

The boys are about to kiss. Also I kissed alot of girls that night. I think 4. Or 5.

The Buck.

Friend groups unite.

Friend groups unite II.

Eric provided some lovely coffee that made my wig smell like coffee.

Marlon power. I love Marlon.

Aww, these guys. After this we went to Alex and Jro's for some after party. I had an AMAZING party! Thanks to all that came out. It was a great night, on literally every level. I had a great night. I love a party, it's a legitimate reason to let my boobs hang out.

Angry Ella in Ryans shirt.

Cutest baby. The cutest baby in the world. She's my baby. I gave birth to her. She came from my womb.

"Somebody's drunk in the kitchen." I always text this picture to my sister Jill with that quote attached. It's from Jim Gaffigan's stand up and I think it's funny.

One time Jill and I were watching Are You Afraid Of The Dark? DVD's she found for $5 somewhere and I said, "There's totes a monster in there" in regards to the pool monster episode and she thought it was HI-larious that I said totes. So sometimes I text her this picture and quote "There's totes a monster in there." or "It's the Cloverfield monster!"

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy World Market Halloween

This one has alot of pictures. DISCLAIMER: I did ok this blog with my boss. No big, go ahead.
This is the park across the street from my house. It's not big, but it's nice.

I live in the Fairmount District off Magnolia. Also known as Coolsville. Also known as Former Ghetto. Also known as Hospital District. This is just a shot out my car window of the only so-so mexican restaurant Benitos. Not my fav. But so-so.

There's some road work going on by King Tut's. Road work is my life as we'll later learn.

I have never been here. It makes me feel at home though. Probably the word "Home"on the sign.

This was a blessed mistake. That's my current haircolor - yellow,orange, red. Fire.

This is the first time I bought gas under $2.00 as of late. Well, this is first time in almost 5 years? I think so.

Pier one building? Or condo? I don't know. $1.85, woot!

This is my current sound system in my car -- Zune hooked to headphones hooked to me. CD player pooped out on me :(

Taking 7th street in, which will soon be the new "downtown" or "Ft Worth Victory Park" if you will. Construction sequence soon to follow.

Driving over the river. Glory.

The first 7th Haven location. They're in their 3rd. For a while there was a sign on this building saying, "Future Location of the Black Dog." This never came to fruition and haunts me every day.

Hauntgomery Plaza. Montgomery Plaza. Want-strawberry Pizza. Plant Hominy Pasta.
Montgomery Plaza rules my life. Glorias. Target. Ross. Starbucks. Subway. Sallys. Pet Smart. Office place.

A view down 7th. Across from that Carroll st stoplight is the 3rd locale of 7th Haven. And Foch St (my work st) is located at big construction building #1.
Construction sequence as follows.

Down Foch. Dirty Foch.

It rained. Messy Foch.

Wet Foch.

Foch Blocked.

Gang bang. I mean construction workers helping Foch regain it's confidence through destructive behaviours.

The Salounge.

The first thing seen when entering the salon. If I'm not working. Ale and Kristin, having a serious discussion I'm sure.

Kristin is working the phone. And by working it I mean, she's working it.

Our Bed Head buy one get one free make-up. Interested?

Afternoon view. Loverly.

Some products. I'm a fan of the Sebastian. But Pureology is vegan.

Party Paparazzi

Paparazzi. Vanessa. Assistant.

Paparazzi. Angela. Assistant.

Color wall.

Color tubbb.
These are the cool funky fun colors persons will most likely see in my hair.
My goal is to be all pink again by summer 09.

I drew this staff photo of us on paint. This really is spot on for an MS paint portrait. Not trying to brag, but I have a talent for MS applications. Makin t-shirts.

Our slogan? No, just our stickers.

Misha. This was not a party paparazzi. She posed for this for a while. And I think this picture reminds me of the next one...

A box of heads.

Ale is cool. Celso is cool too. He does my hair. They are talking about football. Just kidding. They are talking about guns. Just kidding. They are talking about their feelings.

The cupcake from J Raes. Bakery next door. Amazing. They bring us free stuff alot. Like this cupcake.

JT. For when you're having a bad day. I almost typed JTT. I wish.

The 10-key. For cool kids.

Laura. Reading Maxim. Waiting for a haircut. She works here too, this is not a client.

Kristin about to leave. Kristin and I are both crazy cat ladies. We learned very early on.

The rest of the free cupcakes from J Raes. Yummmmmmm for reals.

The cool fiber optic light in the salon/bar. It lights up and spins and is beautiful.

The dj booth, host of spinners, people that spin things, djs, and lots of complicated equipment I won't begin to try and learn to use.


This cat is too cool for laser or bubble jet printers. It's an all-in-one all the way, baby. This print job's so bright, he has to wear shades.

My nacho's from Chimy's, the love of my adult life. And the hand that bit the hand that fed it....Vanessa.

I look at this screen for most of my life.

Yes, we're open. Despite the construction, we're open!!

Evening view.

I discovered that I need to get new jellies.
And that is all that happened until...

The night view.

Sometimes this is what I do when we run late. Don't think this is all I did this night. It wasn't. But I did find time to peruse the household decorations section of urbanoutfitters.com.
So lonely. Jk, but I feel like some Hank Williams or Patsy Cline song should be playing while I slowely walk out the back door.
The long and lonely strip mall esque outside hallway.
Foch Alley. No, I'm serious. But it's kind of pretty at night. That's Chimy's it's the best.
Goodnight Construction. Good night Bulldozer. Good night Crane. Goodnight thing that hits the ground really hard and breaks the cement. Goodnight construction workers who always want to turn off our water when we have chemicals processing on peoples hair. Good night cupcakes. Goodnight saying, "Esoterica, This is Sage."
That's not a typical day. It was a poetic one. Oh, also, watch this!