23 July 2008
I've decided to split this into two blogs because while I took around 150 photos and am not publishing all of them, there's still alot of ground to cover. Or mountains to climb, if you will.
There are about a million signs leading into Shreveport advertising the casinos, and all of them stream below their adds, "Gambling Problem? Call 1800-bla-blah"(not they don't really say bla blah, how apathetic would that be? "Just kidding, there's no real number to call. We don't really care, gamble your life, savings, and family away") We thought it was ironic.
This is the Horses-hoe Casino in Shreveport and it's made from pure gold. It's beautiful. It's not made from pure gold. And it's not that beautiful. I do remember being awed by this building as a child though.
Then we stopped to gas up and I bought some gum, thank god. It was yummy, Sangria Fresca. Shortly after this we made it to Mississippi. The following is quoted non-verbatim. I didn't remember how it really goes( "the mighty Mississip, the old Miss, the old man, sings 'Old Man River'") so I made up alot of it, poorly. My favorite part is when I say, "The Mud River." Because why did I say that?
This is Birmingham, AL. Sort of Urban. Not very exciting. At this point we were almost halfway there.
We saw this monster bumpin Caddy in Alabama. Surprised?
We'd now been in the car about 10 1/2 hours and gone 2/3rds of the way. We are probably Still in Alabama at this point.
I couldn't get a non-blurry picture of the track, but it's HUGE. We are still in Alabama.

The Atlanta Capitol. Atlanta is huge, it's very long. It's sort of as if Downtown Dallas ran the whole length of 75 up to Addison. Well, maybe not that long but you get the picture. Very urban for a very long time. Very metropolitan. We drove past the Olympic torch but didn't get a good picture. And then we drove past Georgia Tech. I have a cousin who won two Olympic gold metals for swimming in the Sydney 2000 Olympics and is now the swim coach at Georgia Tech
. Nostalgic.
This is the final shot of the car. 12:03 (which was really 1:03 Eastern) and 961.1 Miles. All the way from Arlington, TX to Cashiers, NC.
My Nana had this bed on their porch all made up for us. I love sleeping on the porch at Nana's in the summer. The days aren't too bad and the nights are in the 60's or even 50's if it's been raining. We had a bunch of blankets and comforters and passed out!! It is sometimes hard to sleep because there is a black bear that lives in the woods behind them and every sound I hear convinces me that it's the bear. We did sleep until Noon the next day which shocked me, I figured we'd sleep and then wake early, but we were just that exhausted. I'll continue this trip in my next blog as not to overwhelm those daring to read/look at pictures. The End of Day 1
The Atlanta Capitol. Atlanta is huge, it's very long. It's sort of as if Downtown Dallas ran the whole length of 75 up to Addison. Well, maybe not that long but you get the picture. Very urban for a very long time. Very metropolitan. We drove past the Olympic torch but didn't get a good picture. And then we drove past Georgia Tech. I have a cousin who won two Olympic gold metals for swimming in the Sydney 2000 Olympics and is now the swim coach at Georgia Tech
This is the final shot of the car. 12:03 (which was really 1:03 Eastern) and 961.1 Miles. All the way from Arlington, TX to Cashiers, NC.
My Nana had this bed on their porch all made up for us. I love sleeping on the porch at Nana's in the summer. The days aren't too bad and the nights are in the 60's or even 50's if it's been raining. We had a bunch of blankets and comforters and passed out!! It is sometimes hard to sleep because there is a black bear that lives in the woods behind them and every sound I hear convinces me that it's the bear. We did sleep until Noon the next day which shocked me, I figured we'd sleep and then wake early, but we were just that exhausted. I'll continue this trip in my next blog as not to overwhelm those daring to read/look at pictures. The End of Day 1
05 July 2008
Sara, John, and Shelby were making there way back from Austin July 4th. I'd been busy all week doing MTV stuff for my little sisters band (le sigh) and was ready to party American style.
I cooked (I say cooked, I mean tossed) a few salads and waited. And waited. And waited.
They showed at 7, having stopped for kolaches in West on the way back. We made it to the party at 8ish.
Kandle might have been complimenting the food, or she may have been talking to Marla. I guess we'll never know.
Oh and a cannibal cupcake.
I went to HS with these lovely ladies. Shelby and I always understood each other, seeing as we both have giant bazooms. It's hard not to look at them, no?
There are two babies in this picture. I have circled the babies.
By the way, this picture is gorgeous in full size. It's obviously sized down for the blog, but everyone looks beautiful and the colors are brilliant.
Here is an upstairs porch eye view of the festivities at the pool.
Dipped legs, poolside lounging, rowdy water games, hot tub catch-up.
I've xed the empty containers.
(P.S. these may or may not have been empty)
Chance was making lovely 4th of July martinis. I had 3/4ths of one and then gave it up for dead because it was very alcoholic, yet delicious.
Thanks to Chance for tending counter.
The line by the peppermint schnapps reads, "I think it's still half full."
This is my weeks worth of optimism.
1)His poker face. Dead stare.
2)His casual demeanor.
3)His can o' beer which could be a PBR or a Schlitz but is probably a Budweiser.
4)The covering of the label. Dale is not an advertisement.
5)Pants that I believe to be linen. If they aren't linen, then don't read #5.
The floating squirrel head said the funniest thing right after this picture was taken, but I don't remember.
And Katie is so casual and trendy. She's drinking a Starbucks and holding her phone in one hand, that is classy.

Which one's Candie? Nobody knows.
I went swimming shortly after this and put the camera on dry land. Unfortunately in my wet stupor I forget to grab my camera for some important moments such as Chances constant cannonballs and the hookah.
Most importantly I didn't grab it in time for our second daylight. The sparkling.
Watch below:
I had a good Fourth of July. Things are changing. Things are always changing. And I'm happy to say that I've blogged every 4th of July for the past 4 4ths. So, this is my 4th 4th to blog. This is maybe my favorite holiday. Not necessarily because I feel so patriotic on this one particular day or because I love cookouts or smoke and sparklers. I always feel closer to people today. It's a real reason to watch Bill Pullmans amazing "Independence Day" speech. It's a real reason to watch fireworks. It's a real reason to take a holiday and a day off from work. There's no worry if my boyfriends mother is going to like the present I bought her, or whether we finished all our shopping. There's no worry whether the turkey is going to cook in time or if there is something the vegetarians can eat. There's no wondering how to communicate with long lost relatives whom come out of the woodwork once a year. Yet there's champagne and food and "exercise" and music and dancing. Everyone smells like chlorine when they wake up the next day. Everyone's hair falls and make-up fades and all we're left with is each other. The Fourth of July is refreshing. It's a well made mojito. It's a cold shower on a hot day. I'm sad I didn't stay later at the party, I think I've learned carpooling is not always the best solution, but I had a good one. And I loved my cole slaw. I loved the peeps. I think we should have more potlucks.
Seeing as it takes me all day to blog and I still smell like chlorine, I must bid adieu. Hopefully I'll be going to the cat auditions tomorrow and will photo blog then.
If not then, sooner.
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